Keith White
Keith White Analytics LLC
Advising, Consulting & Analysis
Speaking & Training

Video Sample:

Begins with a foundation identifying the basic types of investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, money markets, commodities, annuities, etc) and (for U.S. audiences) the basic types of accounts (Individual Retirement Accounts, 401Ks, 403Bs, Roth, etc).  Those can be excluded for advanceed audiences. 

The elements of human nature that drive investment and often obscure decisions are then discussed and form the context for subsequent topics.  Such topics include historical returns and their enemies (taxes, fees and inflation), investment theory (market timing, picking winners, efficient market hypothesis), the problems with advisors & managers (and some example sales pitches), and the problems with advice from friends & neighbors.  Concludes with a strategy for avoiding these faults.

Optionally can cover alternative investments (private equity, hedge funds, venture capital and angel investing). 

Relevant Audience:  Practically everyone.
