Keith White
Keith White Analytics LLC
Advising, Consulting & Analysis
Speaking & Training
Operations Management

Sample Video:

A general orientation on business operations covering both production and service delivery.  Begins with a brief history of production, the industrial revolution(s) and the key innovators (Whitney, Ford, Deming, Taylor, Gilbreth, etc).  Proceeds with a discussion of operation fundamentals such as workstations, cycle times, Little’s Law and inventory as well as process layout options such as batch, cell, assembly line and continuous flow.  Also provided are several tips on how the theory of production translates into practice.  In addition, many of the popular modern techniques are addressed such as Statistical Process/Quality Control, Six Sigma and Lean Production (and its various Japanese terms).  Concludes with customer service tips such as line management and how to mitigate wait times.

Relevant Audience: Manufacturing & service delivery professionals and general managers.

Operations Management