Family Businesses, Private Businesses & Public Businesses
Sample Video:
Examines the advantages and disadvantages of various ownership structures including family ownership, other private ownerships (partnerships, private equity) and public ownership. Also examines the advantages and disadvantages of insider management versus externally-hired management. Topics covered include financial ramifications, risk profiles, stability & resiliency, diversification, flexibility and exit strategies. Special consideration is given to potential pitfalls such as empire building, indulgent diversification and the gambling-with-someone-else’s-money phenomenon. For family and other private businesses, additional topics are included such as relationship effects, succession planning and how to manage them.
Relevant Audience: Family and private business owners, their advisors and those with an interest in private vs public ownership.
Family Businesses, Private Businesses & Public Businesses
Copyright 2012 Keith White Analytics LLC, Las Vegas, Nevada USA