Keith White
Keith White Analytics LLC
Advising, Consulting & Analysis
Speaking & Training

Sample Video:

In an era when innovation is such a popular subject, the premise here is to take an evaluative look at innovation and separate the substance from the hype.  Topics include reasons for innovation (both good and bad), forms of innovation, ways to cultivate innovation, the obstacles to innovation (& how to overcome them), managing the innovation process and the ramifications of innovation for business fields such as finance and strategy.  A particular emphasis is placed on the differences of practicing innovation in startups versus established firms, especially considering organizational behavior and incentives. 

Relevant Audience: Practically any professional.  While some roles may deal with innovation directly (ex. research, engineering, venture capital), the audience is deliberately broad since one message of the presentation is that innovation can be found in many areas (ex. business models or business processes), not just in the development of products & services.
